The Melody Lies In Between

The Melody Lies In Between


Title: The Melody Lies In Between
Publisher: The Adventures of Writing Publisher
ISBN: 978-87-974508-0-2
Author: By Meee
Genre: Poetry , Short stories, Quotes
Release Date: April 10 2023
Version: Softcover
Size: 148×210 mm – 5.82×8.26 inch
Pages: 136


It´s right underneath
Just waiting to be reveled
Like pages turned one by one
Each one different
Butterflies and fireballs collide
Pick up a line
To see where it goes
“The Melody Lies In Between” is about finding the light in between dark lines, the author wants the audience not just to read a poem but also give the reader a perspective to reflect on.

The book is a journey through feelings that for some may be hidden. The author wants to take the reader in hand on an emotional journey to tell them that they aren’t alone.

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